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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Market Strategy of Blue Cross Blue Shield Assignment
Market Strategy of Blue Cross Blue Shield - Assignment Example Favorable examination shows that in any event, during the monetary emergency of 2008, the association has been heavenly a direct result of their high client value and premiums. Medicinal services is one the components that were consistently strong. Taking a gander at the budget reports, the organization made yearly deals of $75.7 million. This permitted the organization to use itself in the business.  One of the significant qualities of the association is its capacity to have a solid client base bolstered by its mechanical foundation. The framework is intensely upheld by its plan of action and seeing how innovation can serve its needs. In any case, the key advantage that the Blue Cross accomplished was the way that it permitted its clients to the openness of data absent a lot of postponement. In an industry where data is indispensable, this association had the option to oblige the necessities of their developing clients just as furnish data that was consistent with HIPAA and ACA.  One of the significant qualities, as referenced previously, was the way that it had a solid client and income base. The premiums that were being gotten from the association really saddled development and permitted the organization to get a solid limit as an organization.  One of the significant difficulties of the organization was to extend its private and open cloud with consistence. It was obvious that the hazard the board associated with the protection business is a colossal central point.â Blue Cross had an enormous situation of extending their IT framework limits by keeping up old records and making space for new clients. Moreover, the company’s evaluating group had the option to guarantee the authenticity of system passwords inside their own IT framework. With regards to distributed computing, numerous flavors are available.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
While the Wheel Keeps Spinning A Gradual Descent into Delightful Madness
While the Wheel Keeps Spinning A Gradual Descent into Delightful Madness Presentation: When Life Is at Stake Though it is really difficult to state that the theme of betting is new to the vast majority of the world writing would be an extensive stretch, it's a given that Ellison adds a particular touch to it, making his story †that is, the account of a man who is gradually plunging into franticness †unimaginably clear. Rather than admonishing over the issueAdvertising We will compose a custom exposition test on While the Wheel Keeps Spinning: A Gradual Descent into Delightful Madness explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Watching the Lead Character: Through Misery Lens When comprehending what the story is going to end with, it is very stunning to see that it begins from a run of the mill setting in the most ordinary spot ever. Recounting to an account of a man whose spouse is continuously passing on while he can't do a thing about it, the story promptly sets a desolate foundation. Despite the fact that it is commonly viewed as t hat the hero loses his brain during the time spent the game: â€Å"His confidence in a bingo game transforms into franticness that closes with violence†(Thomas, 2008, 98). Notwithstanding, it tends to be contended that the character begins his plummet into franticness a lot prior †to be progressively careful, from the earliest starting point of the novel. â€Å"I ain’t crazy†(Ellison, n.d., 469), he says, as though attempting to persuade himself. Ellison just sets the disposition for the remainder of the story, yet additionally shows that the character will be before long experiencing a progression of changes. Getting away from the Tight Grip of Despair Another hover of franticness starts at where Ellison clarifies that the protagonist’s spouse is critically ill. Committing an incredible piece of the story to building up these two characters and the connections between them Ellison clarifies that her being unwell adds to the lead character’s torments. Another turn of craziness begins as the creator uncovers that the lead character drinks a considerable amount. Be that as it may, the significant point, which is for all intents and purposes the passage to madness for the main character, begins with an abrupt continuous flow blasting under the weight of the liquor exhaust: â€Å"The bottle murmured once more. He shut his eyes [†¦] and seeing the train coming, and running back as quick as he could go, and hearing the whistle blowing [†¦]†(Ellison, n.d., 470). One of the most realistic scenes in the book, this one specifically shows the perusers how far the lead character’s craziness can go.Advertising Looking for paper on american writing? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A Playing of Fortune: Take Him Where the Wind Blows Slowly picking up energy, the frenzy of the lead character shows itself in the most clear manner during the game. One c an see it picking a quicker pace in each and every sentence: â€Å"He watched the wheel spinning past the numbers and encountered an explosion of magnification: This is God! This is the actually really God! He said it for all to hear, ‘This is God!’†(Ellison, n.d., 473). At long last, as the lead characters go comes to partake in the game, he loses command over his sentiments, and crap hits the fan: â€Å"’Who am I?’ he screamed†(Ellison , n.d., 475). As the franticness advances, the unrest goes into a considerably progressively serious stage. It is very impossible to miss that the eminence of franticness that grasps the lead character is spilled out as a senseless tune: â€Å"Shoot the alcohol to him, Jimmy kid! /Clap-applaud clap†(Ellison, n.d., 476). The pace of the whole story by one way or another helps to remember a music beat, which begins at the slowest pace: â€Å"The lady before him was eating cooked peanuts†(Ellis on, n.d., 469), advances to the quickest one: â€Å"He faltered down the passageway and up the means to the stage†(Ellison, n.d., 471) and closes with the slowest pace once more: â€Å"he didn't see the man’s moderate wink†(Ellison, n.d., 477). The Moment the Earth Stood Still One must give Ellison kudos for being incredibly unpretentious with the completion of the novel. It is very unconventional that creator doesn't state that the lead character kicks the bucket. Ellison doesn't have to express the agonizingly self-evident; rather, he grows much more subtleties and passes on the unpretentious message of misery, making the last shoot the whole novel through: â€Å"He just felt the dull torment detonating in his skull, and he knew even as it sneaked out of him that his karma had abandoned the stage†(Ellison, n.d., 477). It is likewise very particular that for a second, the main character gets in contact with the real world, just to comprehend that he w ill be dead in the following couple of seconds. An appalling peak to a terrible story, the completion leaves the feeling that a fragile instrument abruptly turned out badly lastly broke into pieces.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on While the Wheel Keeps Spinning: A Gradual Descent into Delightful Madness explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion: Watch the Wheel Spinning Though King of the bingo game can't be known as the most exciting read, it certainly has a one of a kind energy and a particular touch to it, which makes the peruser sink into the fictional universe, underestimating it. In spite of the fact that told in a concise way and pointing at the most fundamental minutes and subtleties, the story despite everything causes the crowd to identify with the lead character. With the assistance of explicit pacing, the writer adds a sharp edge to the portrayal, bringing the peruser into the nonexistent reality. Allow the game to start. Re ference List Ellison, R. (n.d.) King of the bingo game. Recovered from Thomas, P. L. (2008). Perusing, getting the hang of, educating Ralph Ellison. New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
rolltreppe Chris Peterson once said, rfong is a good photographer, and in order to do that you have to be really creepy. (Umthanks?) It is that Machiavellian attitude which capacitates this blog and this miniature visual ode to my favorite MIT band, Rolltreppe. Ive been living under a rock for the last four years thanks to course 6, and didnt find out about these guys until I went to saxophonist Dylans Emerson Scholar recital. Dylan, with whom I did FAP (Freshman Arts Program) almost four years ago, is about to graduate with a course 6 degree, numerous musical accolades, and a penchant for dual-wielding saxophones. Rolltreppe describes itself as a live funk and electro swing combo group. Its repertoire ranges from jazz standards: To funky arrangements of other classic songs (here is a subset of the group at Dylans Emerson recital): To crazy original compositions (here they are winning MITs battle of the bands): To various combinations of the above mashed into each other: They are all (obviously) engineers as well. MIT is a breeding ground for unfairly multitalented folks. Try to catch them next time youre around MIT! They recruited Peter15 (keys, composition) when he was a prefrosh because he was just that good, but since CPW has come and gone, you can settle for meeting them at orientation. Stay classy!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Essay on My Philosophy of Education - 733 Words
Philosophy of Education Jean-Paul Sartre said, â€Å"Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself†(Myra, David, 402). According to him, personality is made by him/herself according to environment, religion, or society and everyone has a different belief and idea such as how they want to behave toward others or what I want to be on their own through their experience or life. Everyone has his or her own belief, philosophy, and dream but also I have my own concept. My philosophy of education revolves around why I want to be a teacher, my own philosophy of education, and what I want to do in future. After reading the nonfiction book by Torey F Hayden †The Child, Sheera†I was influenced to be a childhood special education†¦show more content†¦It made me feel relieved. This good opportunity makes me confirm that I like children and I want to be a teacher. Because of above reasons, I want to be a teacher. To be the ideal teacher whom I want to be, I will focus on the philosophies of Existentialism and Progressivism. Existentialism is one of the big support philosophies in my belief. Existentialists believe that the human being is not affected by the environment, but establish their own independence. According to the existentialism as an educational philosophy, subject matter takes second place to helping the students understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept complete responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and actions. (Myra, David, 402) I really want students to have and say own opinions with complete self-confidence. It builds them own characteristics. In Japan, people prefer not to say their opinion and they regard that it is a good attitude. Because of this tendency, most Japanese can’t express their opinion. Thus, I strongly believe this is an important philosophy. In addition, progressivism also supports my belief. Progressivists also believe individuality. Believing that people learn best from what they consider most relevant to their lives, progressivists center the curriculum around the experiences, interests, and abilities of the students. (Myra, David, 398) This idea is completely opposite idea of the essentialists. According toShow MoreRelatedMy Philosophy On The Philosophy Of Education844 Words  | 4 PagesIn mathematics, as in life, everything must be brought to the simplest of terms. I base my teaching philosophy on the foundation that every student is capable of learning mathematics. I will strive, as a teacher, to ensure that my students are able to have a strong foundation of mathematical skills when they leave my classroom. Some students believe that they are not mathematically gifted; therefore, incapable of learning mathematics. I believe to the contrary, all students with motivation, sustainedRead MoreMy Philosophy On Philo sophy Of Education852 Words  | 4 PagesMy Philosophy of Education My philosophy of education is founded on a belief that all students have a desire to learn and to feel accepted. Learning takes place when students are able to have their specific needs meet inside the classroom, to feel accepted in the environment, and find the learning to be meaningful. I believe that before learning can take place a proper educational environment must be present inside the classroom. In order to make any classroom work I believe you need meet three criteriaRead MoreMy Philosophy Of Education As A Education864 Words  | 4 Pagesdifferent philosophy of education, and what purpose education serves in a child’s life. The five philosophies of education that we recognize are: Essentialism, Perennialism, Progressivism, Social Reconstructionism, and Existentialism. I would most recognize my philosophy of education as Essentialism. Essentialism has been a dominant influence in American education since World War II. It focuses on core curriculum of traditional academic topics. I believe that the purpose of education is teachingRead MoreMy Philosophy of Education824 Words  | 4 Pages13 February 2011 My Philosophy of Education I believe that progressivism educational philosophy most closely matches my educational ideals. In my opinion based on the progressivism educational philosophy, the purpose of education is to enable students to learn useful knowledge that has meaning to them in the future. Thus, the most useful education for students is the skill of â€Å"learning how to learn†. When students understand the methodsRead MoreMy Philosophy Of Education And Education1038 Words  | 5 PagesMy Philosophy of Education When trying coming up with a personal philosophy of education, I had to ask myself what the purpose of education is. To me, the purpose of education is to teach students knowledge that is needed to make it through school and to succeed in the world after graduation. Anyone can go into teaching, but not every teacher can teach. Teachers go above and beyond to introduce methods, philosophies, and strategies to help their students learn, as well as, retain the informationRead MoreMy Education Philosophy 1511 Words  | 6 PagesPersonal Mission Statement Education is the imparting and acquiring of knowledge and skills through teaching and learning. As an educator, my personal mission statement is to master my subject area in order to serve as a role model for my students thereby producing students who thoroughly understand the subject matter, and who develop holistically. In order to achieve this goal I must have a set education philosophy with a strong Christian worldview. I must also have a general understanding of theRead MoreMy Philosophy Of Education1056 Words  | 5 PagesPhilosophy of Student Engagement My philosophy of education is that every child should receive high quality education that is inclusive, relevant and meaningful to their life. I am a firm believer of making pedagogy relatable to my students. My vision is driven by my personal experiences with the American school system. I was what is thought of as â€Å"A child at risk†. I am an immigrant, black, Muslim student. My life is transactional as I am a part of multiple marginalized groups. Most of my teachersRead MoreMy Philosophy Of Education And Education864 Words  | 4 PagesPhilosophy of Education Children are the future and their education is the key to our society’s success. When considering this, I realize I have an immense responsibility as an educator. The main focuses of my teaching are active learning, building character within students, and providing meaningful curriculum. I want to create a comfortable setting where every student feels safe to learn. In many ways, my philosophy agrees with the holistic approach to education. I feel this challenges the studentRead MoreMy Philosophy on Education814 Words  | 3 PagesMy Philosophy of Education I think when I made the decision to become a teacher I was not thinking the seriousness of this decision. When we become teachers we also become the molder that will shape our student to be successful in life. But when you decide to become a teacher in a Christian school you are not only shaping this student to be successful in life but we are also shaping their Christian mind to do things with a feeling knowing that they are shape and where made by the image of GodRead MoreMy Philosophy Of Education1015 Words  | 5 Pagesimmediately sparked my interest in becoming an educator and share my personal beliefs on the important aspects of education. In addition to this, I will present various traits I believe are essential and critical for teachers to successfully fulfill their role as an educator. During my elementary years, I developed an urge to frequently ask many questions during the school day. Being able to question anything was astonishing to me. This was because my parents were unable to answer my questions and help
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Create the value Free Essay Example, 2500 words
The degree to which customer perceive a new product or service as superior to similar existing products determines the relative advantage. A product or a service that provides an advantage over an already product offering is said to be greater than the existing market alternatives. Thus, the product is said to be great in terms of value as compared to other market products. b) Compatibility: The compatibility of the inventive product and service offering with the current backgrounds, behavior and routine patterns of consumers also affects its acceptance by the public. A product’s or service’s compatibility measures how closely it relates to needs, value systems and norms, lifestyles, culture, etc. when the levels of compatibility are high rate diffusion is going to be high. Is going to be; and likewise lower the compatibility, the lower the diffusion rate. c) Complexity The levels of complexity in a commodity, buying and usage affect the rate diffusion process of the product. An established innovative of a product is quickly diffused when there exist an ease of understanding, buying and usage of a product. We will write a custom essay sample on Create the value or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now When it is easier to understand the usage a commodity, the more likely It’s going to be accepted and liked by consumers. However, it’s of paramount importance to note that technological complexity is a barrier to the diffusion process. Users tend to resist adoption of new products and innovation in the market because of fear of complexity in the purchase and consequent usage of the new product. High technological firms easily understand this d) Trialability: This is the ease with which the service or a product can be tried and tested. This aspect critically determines the rate of acceptance of a new product. When the degree of trialability is considerably high, the rate of the diffusion process is also high. This simply because it gives chances to try the product or a service. Evaluation is then done it on whether r to accept or reject the product. Trialability can be encouraged by providing free samples, or providing smaller packs and smaller-than-average sizes. e) Observability of a product This is the ease with which the a product commodity is observed. Observability aspect of the innovative product refers to the rate in which a product beneficial attributes can be imagined, seen as well as perceived by a willing consumer. A product that possess a high degree of observability has greater the chances of the innovativeness. There certain attributes that adversely affect diffusion rate of innovation and subsequently the adoption.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Urbanisation has changed the face of Mumbai Free Essays
After living in this busy metropolis, this island of islands for about 17 years I’ve realised one thing – your senses are automatically heightened. Whether it’s your eyes that are constantly alert in the fast paced traffic or your ears that are forced to hear a cacophony of trains, vendors and honking cars. Your mouth and taste buds that have grown accustomed to Mumbai’s spicy, flavoursome cuisine. We will write a custom essay sample on Urbanisation has changed the face of Mumbai or any similar topic only for you Order Now And of course, we’ve all had the chance to travel in a packed local train, scared that we’d get pick-pocketed, it’s like we’re born with a heightened sense of touch too. But I perceive Mumbai to be a â€Å"city of smells†. By this, I don’t imply that ours is a city full of stench and smog, no it’s much more than that! Like each home has a distinct smell of its own, Mumbai has these particular aromas and scents that define the city and give it character. The moment you step into Mumbai, your impression about the city could vary, depending on whether you’re an optimist or a pessimist. A pessimist would complain about the foul odour that comes from the slums, (You should know that Mumbai is home to one of the largest slums in Asia – Dharavi, so that’s a lot of stink! , the amount of vehicular pollution and smoke from cigarettes, the malodour of overflowing sewage etc. An optimist, on the other hand would enjoy the sterile, sanitised smell of malls, hotels which are plenty in Mumbai. Or you could be a realist like me and believe the city has a dual identity with motley collection of fragrances and odours. But tha t’s a discussion for later. Urbanisation has changed the face of Mumbai entirely – quaint little bungalows with terracotta tiled roofs are replaced with high rises made of chrome and glass. Niwas-es†and ‘Sadans’ are pulled down to make way for ‘Towers’ and ‘Heights’. However there still are some remaining gardens and patches of green like the Hanging Gardens, Jijamata Udyan, the Sanjay Gandhi National Park to name a few. Mumbaikars still visit these parks to get a whiff of nature. And how can I forget the numerous â€Å"Chaafa†or champa trees with their sweet smelling flowers! Ironically this fast pace of industrialisation and development hasn’t improved the condition of public toilets in the city. Most Mumbaikars still cringe at the stink that comes from our city’s ‘shauchalayas’. The part of Mumbai that I enjoy the most is the sea. As a child, I’d know that we were passing by some â€Å"Chowpatty†or beach by the crisp saltiness in the air. Mumbai’s fish markets smell of the salty sea too – it’s the smell of freshly caught fish. Most times these markets give off the odour of rotting fish – an odour I still find repulsive. And then there is the floating smell of sukka bombil or Bombay duck dried in the sun near the coast! Another way of knowing that you’re near a crowded beach is the inescapable smell of chaat. The aroma of herbs, garam masala, the tang of squeezed lemons in a plate of bhelpuri or sev puri are enough to set the juices going in your mouth! You’d also smell vadapavs being friend and pav bhaaji being prepared – taka-tak – two dishes that originated in Mumbai. And then there is the smell of piping hot ‘cutting chai’, (The term cutting chai is said to have originated in Mumbai too! ) sold at tea stalls at every nukkad of Mumbai. Every meal in India usually ends with â€Å"paan†. Another common feature on the streets and many walls of Mumbai are paan stains which have their own disagreeable stink. Sometimes I can tell which part of Mumbai I’m in only by the distinctive redolence of that part. I know my train is passing through Andheri when I get a whiff of baked biscuits because the Parle G factory is very close to Andheri station. I know that my taxi has taken a turn at King’s Circle because of the aroma of freshly ground coffee beans and the local cafes serving original south-Indian filter coffee. For that matter I still associate the aroma of freshly baked bread, cakes and cookies from the string of bakeries in my very own Orlem. Travelling in local trains has become a part of the daily routine of a large number of Mumbaikars. More than often these trains are overcrowded, filled with more passengers than can fit in. Now it’s not the sea of bodies that I have an issue with, it’s the smell of human sweat that’s the problem! At such times I dream of Mumbai during the monsoon. There is nothing more beautiful, more gratifying than rains in the city! It gives us Mumbaikars relief from the summer heat, the air smells fresh and clean. The smell of wet mud right after a shower is almost magical. Yes, such earthy fragrances are a part of Mumbai too! How to cite Urbanisation has changed the face of Mumbai, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Proper Etiquette in the Business setting Essay Example For Students
Proper Etiquette in the Business setting Essay Proper EtiquetteAmerica is an image driven country. Management is aware of how they and their employees represent that image on behalf of the company. An employees value to will be largely determined by how successful they are at projecting that image. Business etiquette is concerned with correct behavior and practices according to social convention. In the social realm, there are certain amount of etiquette that needs to be followed when dealing with business partners, co-workers and vendors. This is something that is a must any successful business. Because the office phone is one of the most commonly used pieces o office equipment and the main source of communication between an organization and its customers, it is imperative that you use proper business etiquette.A few tips when answering the office phone; always answer in three rings or less, answer with your name and the name of the company, make business call during regular office hours, and return calls in 24 hours or less. In addition, when using cell phones and pagers, always put them on vibrate so that it will not disturb others in your work area. Emails have become the main source of communication for most organizations today. Know that how you use your e-mail, company e-mail address and employers technology is a serious issue! Sending non-business related e-mails, jokes, forwards or chain letters on company time to friends or coworkers reflects on your lack of professionalism. Be careful who you cc (carbon copy) do not broadcast your every thought to all persons in yo ur organization.When forging new business relationships and solidifying established partnerships, the level of professionalism and courtesy you relay in your business e-mail communications will always gain clients over the competition. Many companies have gone with the idea of shared workspaces. In most situations, it is because of economical reasons. Showing consideration to colleagues in an open plan office will only work if you all adopt a mutual respect for each other. Keep your desk tidy. This is especially important if you are sharing an open plan desk and show courtesy when using any shared spaces. Be careful when having conversations. Dont speak too loudly in shared workspaces. Remembering that not everybody will share exactly the same values as you, adopt a policy of treating people how youd like to be treated yourself. This is an essential benchmark to ensure a harmonious workspace. At first thought, when you hear the term business attire it seems fairly simple. The thoughts of business attire are far from simple. Business attire can be broken down into three very different categories: business formal, business professional, and business casual. Business formal attire is more than your everyday work attire. This category is used for dressy evening events such as awards ceremonies and formal dinners. Men should wear a dark suit with a French cut shirt and silk tie or bowtie. Cufflinks and silk pocket squares that coordinate with the tie are optional accessories. The shoes should be black and also coordinate with the overall appearance of the outfit. Women should wear a conservative dress or suit with a skirt. Women must take care in choosing a dress or suit that conservatively fits his/her body and style. Business professional is considered attire that sets you aside as a professional. For men and women this means a well coordinated suit and accessories. Suits sh ould be a solid or pinstripe dark color complimented with a solid or striped white shirt. Ties are to be silk with a solid color or simple design. All suits should be accompanied by a belt; with a simple buckle; or suspenders. Women should have a simple skirted suit. These suits should be solid, neutral, and low key in color. No matter whether a dress or skirted suits, it should reach at or just below the knee. The accompanying blouse should be simple cotton or silk. The color of the blouse should be a solid color that coordinates with the suit. Makeup and perfume should be very light and subtle. Lastly shoes should be plain, solid and dark in color. Business Casual attire simply means you do not have to wear a suit to work.For some men and women this could mean a polo shirt, collared shirt, or sweater and khaki pants. For others this could mean you have an opportunity to add a splash of color or wear a casual suit to the office. This is not a time for you to wear lounging clothes t o work. Hand in hand with attire comes the subject of grooming. Grooming practices are extremely important no matter what the attire that accompanies it. Avoid all mistakes when it comes to the area of grooming. The most well thought out and well planned attire can be destroyed by lack of grooming. All clothing should be cleaned, pressed, zipped, closed and not frayed or falling apart. Due to the possible allergies of colleagues and clients keep perfume and cologne at a minimum level. Makeup and jewelry should be subtle and discreet. Fingernails should be kept cut and clean. No matter what your status is in life your appearance should matter. Appearance not only includes the clothing you wear but also your physical wellbeing. As you shop for your career life keep in mind the type of job you have, the company you represent and your core values. John Steinbeck: Experiencing the Dust Bowl EssayTo notify the waiter that you are finish eating, place your knife and fork diagonally across the plate. The person who invites the guest should pay the bill. Not only is it courteous to allow your guest to order first, it can also be used as a signal to your waiter. The signal can be given by clearly telling the waiter, please allow my guest to order first. Here are some general rules for proper dining etiquette: Do not place your elbows on the table. Often say please and thank you. Do not start eating until everyone at the table has been served. If you must leave during the meal, leave the napkin on the chair. Try to avoid sending food back to eliminate you as coming off as pretentious or insulting your host. If you must reciprocate with an invitation, choose a restaurant of similar quality. Do not underestimate the value of the need to know proper business dining. It is about being professional not being perfect. Todays success strategy is by way of entertaining. More and more business is conducted over the dining table. It is essential that you, as the business professional, feel confident in all dining situations because it can make or break your career. In the social realm, there is a certain amount of etiquette that needs to be followed when dealing with business partners, co-workers and vendors. It is essential that in the business world, it remain professional and not have too much of a crossover into the social world. However; when promoting cordiality the mix should remain more social than business. The three main things that need attention are thank-you notes, gift giving and office parties. A thank-you note is something simple and nice to send to someone who has given you a gift, invited you to dinner, or you have closed a major deal. There are rules in sending thank-you notes they are as follows:1.Notes should always be hand written; this makes it more personal and shows your gratitude. Dont use pre-printed or fill-in-the-blank thank you cards. Thats narrowly better than not sending a note at all. 2.Notes must be sent within 24 hours of the event or receiving the gift. 3.The note should be brief, personal and simple. 4.The note should be organized into three parts:a.Thank the person for the specific gift or eventb.If there is any other business state it nextc.State if necessary if you intend to meet again, or if any information will be sent at a later time. 5.Dont include fewer than three sentences in any note. 6.Dont talk about yourself. This is about the gift, not your life. Gift giving is another area of being cordial. Gift-giving can be tricky and there are rules that should be followed in the business world. A gift should not cost more than $25, they should be in taste and reflect the personality of the receiver. In an office setting it is not necessary to give everyone a gift unless you just want to however; some may feel that you dislike them or if they know that some have received gifts and other have not. Perfumes and colognes are personal and should be avoided at all costs. Christmas parties generally come each and every year. It is expected that everyone attend the party even if its just for a half-hour. Of course there are rules that apply in this situation as well they are as follows:1.Dress appropriately; there is nothing worse than being labeled as the woman with the low cut dress, too high split, or too short of a dress. If its a man wear a tie, or at least a dress shirt. Polos, jeans, khakis are not appropriate attire. 2.If alcohol is being served, watch how much you drink. Do not embarrass yourself by being so drunk that everyone has videotaped you being the office idiot who cannot hold their liquor. Please maintain some type of self-respect. 3.Do not under any circumstances flirt with any co-workers, supervisors or your boss. This is considered to be in very poor taste. 4.If there are accounts or situations that are confidential within the company keep it that way. Just because you are at a social gathering does not mean you get to gossip about business dealings or whose work is not up to par. 5.Keep in minds that if you are a supervisor then maintain that same repertoire; becoming too familiar with those who work under you can cause issues later on. 6.Since it is a party, have fun. There will be time for business on Monday, when you all return to work. Keeping a careful eye on all of the rules and making sure they are followed are essential to surviving in the business world. In order to have a successful reputable business using proper etiquette is a must. Spectators observe not only your etiquette skills but how you interact with all levels of people, in all situations. Reference PageDrafke, M. (2009). The Human Side of Organizations. (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River,New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
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